February 4th is marked as World Cancer Day. While Corona has taken centerstage ever since it appeared in 2020, other diseases have made a stealth rise. According to Indian Council for Medical Research, India reported 13.92 lakh new cancer cases in 2020. In Gujarat, 69,3300 cases were registered in the same period. The report also noted that tobacco consumption contributed most to pushing up numbers, 3.77 lakh new cases in 2020.
According to the report, for every one lakh population, 98 new cases of cancer are found in men and 77 new cases in women. Nearly, 31.2 percent of women are diagnosed with breast cancer, the report observed. In India, one woman dies every eight minutes due to cervical cancer while one in every 13 minutes due to breast cancer. T spread some awareness on World Cancer Day:
Some important guidelines issued to raise public awareness on the day:
The first stage of cancer is when the cancerous tumor is less than 2 cm in size and has not spread to any other place. The second stage is when the cancerous tumor is between 2 and 5 centimeters in size and spreads to the lymph nodes. The third stage, when the cancerous tumor is more than 5 cm in size and has spread beyond the lymph nodes. The fourth stage, when the tumor is very large and spreads to other parts of the body.
There are three methods to deal with the dreaded disease.
Surgery: This involves removing the cancerous part Radiation therapy: This method involves destruction of cancer cells using radiation.
Chemotherapy: This type of treatment involves the administration of anti-cancer drugs. There are currently several effective drugs available to treat cancer. Palliative care: To treat pain and other ailments related to cancer.