In the 22nd century, education plays a very important role for each and every person. Education is important, whether the person has to get a job or even read a sentence. But do you think that only the textbooks that we read in school are enough for us to get highly skilled jobs? To solve this problem, Vocational Education is introduced in our educational system.
The term ‘Vocational Education’ refers to the knowledge/ education provided regarding a given vocation/job. It was introduced in the year 1995 in the Human Resource Development (HRD) for improving the standard of living and literacy rate of India. It is available for students from class 6 to 12 and is divided into three phases:- middle stage, secondary stage and senior secondary stage. These subjects are optional and you can choose them according to your preferences.
The middle stage consists of students from class 6 to 8 and there are 11 vocational subjects in it. Then, the next stage is the secondary stage, from class 9 to 10, in which there are 19 subjects and finally, there is the senior secondary stage, from class 11 to 12, which consists of 39 subjects. These subjects include Handicrafts, AI, Design Thinking, Financial Literacy, Healthcare, Banking and many more.
Many students are developing keen interests in these subjects as it is providing a new opportunity for them to explore their inner talents and derive their potential in order to understand their future career options. But at the same time, it creates pressure on the students and also makes them unsure about their future career options.
All said and done, I personally think that it is helpful for students to know about different career options, but at the same time, it creates a sort of confusion and pressure in the mind of the child, and we should expand our knowledge about various career options by taking an interest in these types of programmes.
Class:- 8th
School:- D.A.V International School, Ahmedabad
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