The Vadodara Rape Case has taken a new turn. The investigation into the high-profile rape case in Vadodara has been snatched away from the Gotri police and has now been entrusted to the Crime Branch by Vadodara Police Commissioner Shamsher Singh.
Now the entire case will be investigated by PI V R Kher of Crime Branch Even in the investigation so far, the police was not divulging anything only found repeating about investigation being on.
The background of the case is that a girl has lodged a complaint against four persons, including former Pavagadh temple trustee Raju Bhatt and a charter accountant Ashok Jain. According to the complaint lodged by the girl, Ashok Jain called the girl to Raju Bhatt’s guest house and raped her by making her drink dubious drink. She claims photos depicting her in obscene and objectionable manner were taken and she was threatened of making the same viral.
Adding to the suspense, Raju Bhatt and Ashok Jain are still out of police reach. However, it has come to light during the investigation that they are still in touch with persons close to them..Shocking details might tumble off the closet once the absconding accused are caught,