A team of 350 sanitation workers from Surat arrived in Vadodara on Friday to clean the affected areas following the flood, while six columns of the Indian Army continue to conduct rescue operations in the worst-hit regions due to the ongoing flood-like condition.
“We have been working here for the last two days,” stated Mahesh Rathod, the Executive Engineer in-charge of Surat Municipal Corporation. “We have 350 sanitation workers here. We clean the dirt from the affected areas. When we came here, we surveyed to find out where to start the work.”
Regarding the difficulties they encountered, Rathod responded, “As we reached here first, we surveyed the roads as to where the work to be started and as we have prior experience working with Surat Municipal Corporation we worked on the basis.”
Notably, six columns of the Indian Army are doing rescue operations in the most severely affected regions as the state’s flooding crisis worsens owing to ongoing rainfall in some locations. To assist with the ongoing relief operations, the Army has been sent in.
“In response to the severe flooding in multiple districts, the Indian Army has swiftly mobilised its resources to support the ongoing relief efforts. Following a request from the Gujarat State Government, six columns of the Indian Army are undertaking rescue operations to the worst-affected areas to provide immediate Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR),” the Army said in a statement.
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