A manager and peon working with the Indian Overseas Bank along with two other people were booked for allegedly stealing over Rs 10.4 lakh from the Bank’s ATM in Waghodiya, Vadodara district. When the new branch manager discovered the error in the records of the cash in the bank’s ATM, he informed the police. While checking the records, he noted that as per the records, they had enough cash in the ATM but the cash vault of the ATM was empty.
The arrestees have been identified as branch manager Hemantkumar Meena, peon Shailesh Sharma along with Vinu and Shubham Singh.
The theft is suspected to have happened between October 19 and October 29 as the ATM was not functioning due to some technical errors. The police informed that the stolen money was put at the ATM just a day prior to it being shut down.
JG Desai, the in-charge inspector informed that there was no attempt for a forced opening or damaging of the machine.
“At first inspection, it appears that someone insider who knew the password is involved,” he said.
According to the bank officials, the cash vault of the ATM is opened with a key and a password. And both of them are available with a branch manager. Desai explained that the managed and peon have been charged for their negligence. They are looking into their involvement. And the two other accused are the people who had come to repair the machine.
All the four accused are yet to be arrested.