State Education Minister and spokesperson for the Gujarat government, Jitu Vaghani, said during a press conference that on August 9, World Adivasi Day will be celebrated across the state. A state-level event will be organised at Melania in Dahod district, chaired by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. The event will also be telecast live. Besides, various programmes will be organised in 26 different places of the state in the presence of Cabinet members and other dignitaries.
Vaghnani further elaborated that at the Dahod event, a total of Rs 1,300 crore worth of development works will be launched. An estimated Rs 1,043 crore of Lokarpan and Khatmuhurta works and a total of Rs 150 crore of scholarship benefits will be distributed to more than 12 lakh tribal students. This will benefit roughly 7,500 tribal families in the state. The other benefits include housing worth Rs 90 crore, distribution of 3,000 cows at a cost of Rs 20 crore for self-employment of tribal women, besides distribution of forest rights certificates to 11,000 tribal farmers under the Forest Rights Act, 2006.
The Minister added that total benefits worth Rs 11 crore will be distributed to 14,000 beneficiaries under various individual schemes including Kunvarbai nu mameru, Medical Aid Scheme, Manav Garima Scheme, Mandap Scheme, and Fruit Tree Sapling Distribution Scheme.