A 27-year-old old native of Madhya Pradesh who raped and murdered a five-year-old girl on April 30, 2021 has been sentenced to life imprisonment “for the remainder of his natural life.”
The decision was made on December 28 by a Surat court.
After the court of special POCSO judge P S Kala pronounced the punishment, the convict, Sujit Saket hurled his slippers towards the judge out of rage. The footwear however, missed the target and fell near the witness box.
The victim was the daughter of a migrant labourer. As per the prosecution, the convict kidnapped her and took her to an isolated place where he raped her and later strangulated her to death.
An FIR was filed against the man under relevant charges, including the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) at Hazira police station.
The court considered 26 witnesses and 53 documentary evidences before pronouncing the order.