After the political rifts that BJP underwent in the recent months – it consolidated power in Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation 2021 by a margin of 41 seats out of 44. The Congress, was able to sack just two seats, while Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was able to pull out just one seat. The BJP also won in two other civic bodies in Gujarat however, suffered a setback in its breeding ground Bhanvad municipality where Congress came out as victorious by winning 16 out of 24 seats.
A total of 161 candidates contested the GMC poll including 44 from the BJP and the Congress and 40 from AAP.
On this occasion for BJP, PM Narendra Modi offered his congratulations to the individuals of Gujarat for BJP’s triumph “reaffirm the deep-rooted bond between the people of Gujarat and BJP.”
While the Congress bagged one seat in GMC polls 2021, the poll results of 2016 had a different face where it had resulted in a tie between BJP and Congress. Both the parties won 16 seats each. In the last counting for eighth and the final ward, BJP won three seats while Congress won one seat creating a tie.