Six prominent personalities from Gujarat will be bestowed with the Padma Shri – the fourth highest civilian honour in India. The Centre has announced the awards on the occasion of the Republic Day. Dr Tejas Patel, an eminent cardiologist from Ahmedabad, has received the Padma Bhushan Award. Raghuveer Choudhary, an 85-year-old distinguished Gujarati author, will be felicitated with the Padma Shri Award.
Dr Patel is the chairman and chief interventional cardiologist at Apex Heart Institute, Ahmedabad. Apart from the Padma Bhushan Award, Patel has also received the Dr B C Roy Award, the highest Indian medical award by the Government of India.
Raghuveer Choudhary also received the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1977 for his novel trilogy Uparvas. In addition, he received the Jnanpith Award, considered to be India’s highest literary award, in 2015. Raghuveer Choudhary has over 50 years of literary contribution and has authored 80 philosophical and historical books. He has also worked as a columnist for numerous newspapers, including Janmabhumi and Nirikshak.
Dr Yazdi Maneksha Italia, cited as the “doctor who dedicated his life to fight sickle cell anemia amongst Tribals of Gujarat” will receive the Padma Shri – the fourth highest civilian honour in India.
Dr Italia is a renowned Microbiologist who pioneered the development of India’s inaugural Sickle Cell Anemia Control Program (SCACP). He is credited with having pioneered newborn screening through heel-prick dry blood samples in collaboration with ICMR, thereby preventing and controlling new births with SCD by screening 2 lakh tribals.
A Gujarati author of children’s literature, Harish Nayak (posthumous), wrote 2,000 stories in 500 books. Nayak has received the Padma Shri Award for his contribution to children’s literature. In addition, Nayak created a unique record by narrating various stories to 5 lakh children in a single year. His stories have been published in Gujarati, Hindi, English, and Marathi.
Jagdish Trivedi, a renowned Gujarati humorist celebrated for his dayro art form for over 30 years, has been awarded the Padma Shri award. Trivedi has performed over 3,000 shows in 30 countries.
Dr Dayal Parmar, an 88-year-old veteran Ayurveda practitioner from Morbi, will be felicitated with the Padma Shri Award. With over 60 years of experience, Parmar has authored 50 books and provided free services to the poor.