A Rs. 200 crore hostel with capacity to house 1500 students will come up at Valak Patiya, Surat under the aegis of Saurashtra Patel Sewa Samaj with the help of chief donors Hansraj Gondaliya and Vallabh Lakhani among others.
Along with the hostel, an auditorium with capacity of 500 seats named after Keshubhai Patel, the ex-chief minister from the community is also planned. Apart from this, a gallery to showcase the history, Sewa Setu Centre for coordinating various associations and providing information about government benefit schemes and business connect centre to help young entrepreneurs from the community is also on cards. It is being conceived as an important community centre, says president of the institution, Kanji Bhalara
second phase of the plan to build a hostel for 200 girl students will start at the end of 2022, to be completed by 2024, by the time the first phase of work is completed. Both the dates are conspicuous with their timing with coming elections.
Cohesiveness and resourcefulness of a community which can come up with such grand projects regularly can not be lost on anyone with an eye on electoral politics. Not surprising then that, the Chief Minister of the state will be performing Khat-Muhurt ceremony and PM Modi himself will perform Bhumi-Pujan Ceremony by video conferencing on 15th October, the Dussera day.