Retired Professor Yogendra Vyas and his wife, residents of Satellite in Ahmedabad, died by suicide on Thursday morning. Satellite Police have recovered a suicide note from the spot, wherein the couple mentioned that they are committing suicide due to serious illness. Prof. Vyas was suffering from kidney disease and his wife, Anjana was diagnosed with cancer. Despite regular yoga, pranayam and all other remedies their health didn’t show improvement and hence, they decided to end their lives.
Both of us are suffering from the disease for a long time and we did yoga and pranayam regularly to improve our health but it didn’t show any improvement – read the suicide note.
The preliminary inquiry by police into the family revealed that Anjanaben had been suffering from cancer for some time, while Yogendra Vyas had recently undergone kidney surgery. Also, the son of the couple is a gastrologist and also runs a clinic in Ahmedabad.
Yogendra Vyas, born in Ahmedabad, had completed his Ph.D. in 1969. He was a Professor and Principal of Shah Mahila College in Surendranagar between 1963 to 1966. Then he was Professor at Saraspur Arts and Commerce College, Ahmedabad from 1966 to 1968 and later remained Principal of the college for two years.