A day after the BJP led Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation(AMC) approved the renaming of the civic body run medical college to Narendra Modi Medical College, the Congress in Ahmedabad demanded that it be renamed after Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Sardar Patel, Opposition leader Shehzad Pathan, said that had been a councillor in Ahmedabad Municipality this college should be named after him.
The Congress, as a token of protest against BJP’s decision of naming it after PM Modi, put up banners that referred to the college as Sardar Patel college.
This is the second public facility in Ahmedabad that will be named after PM Modi. Earlier, a cricket stadium which is the world’s biggest at Motera, was named after PM Modi.
Shehzad Pathan emphasised that Sardar Patel had played a decisive role in integrating India and the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, as a tribute to him, should rechristen the college as Sardar Patel Medical College. This college was inaugurated in 2009 during the tenure of Chief Minister Narendra Modi. The college offers an MBBS course to 200 students and postgraduate degrees to 170 students.The college and hospital was earlier known as LG Hospital Campus.
The AMC standing committee chief Hitesh Barot said a proposal to rename the college after PM Modi was proposed by the hospital trust which was taken up in the standing committee meeting of the AMC and was approved.
Congress councillors led by Shehzad Pathan went to the college premises in Maninagar and put up banners referring to the college as Sardar Patel Medical College. It must be noted that PM Modi represented Maninagar constituency in Ahmedabad when he was the Chief Minister. His first election was from Rajkot constituency but then he moved to Ahmedabad. The college was built when CM Modi represented Maninagar constituency in Gujarat Vidhansabha.
Also Read: Gujarat: AMC Renames MET Medical College As Narendra Modi Ahead Of PM’s Birthday