The Rajasthan government has approved an additional financial provision of Rs 100 crore to strengthen the state’s traffic management system. According to an official statement, the Integrated Traffic Management System (ITMS) is being strengthened to prevent accidents and address the increasing traffic pressure on roads.
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has approved an additional financial provision of Rs 100.99 crore for this purpose, it said.
This system will play a key role in ensuring speedy action against traffic rule violators, according to a proposal.
Road accidents due to over-speeding and overloaded vehicles will also be curbed with the strengthening of the ITMS, it said.
Under the ITMS, several systems will also come into place and these include automatic traffic monitoring and violation detection system, speed violation detection system, red light violation system and CCTV surveillance system, the statement said.
There will also be a traffic monitoring centre and e-challan system, it said.
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