The police today detained Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, along with other Congress leaders, who were protesting against rising inflation and unemployment in the country. The Congress leaders, dressed in all black, had begun a peaceful sit-in protest in front of the party headquarters. Priyanka Gandhi reportedly climbed over the barricades to launch the protest.
Just a few minutes into the protests, the police tried to get Priyanka and other leaders to break up the gathering. As seen in the images and videos, several women officers manhandled Priyanka, to try and get her to leave. When she resisted, she was detained by the police.
Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi who led the ‘Chalo Rashtrapati Bhavan’ march from Parliament was also detained by the police. Other Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs who were part of this march were taken into custody. Sonia Gandhi was present at the location as well.
Talking to the reporters, Rahul Gandhi said, “We’re witnessing the death of democracy. What India has built brick by brick, starting almost a century ago, is being destroyed in front of your eyes. Anybody who stands against this idea of onset of dictatorship is viciously attacked, jailed, arrested and beaten up.”
Congress party has launched these protests in various states of India. Party leaders were seen gathering in large numbers in Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and other states.