Corona pandemic and its aftermath have left several unexpected changes in social behaviour. One such new element is online study. In the era of closed classrooms, online study became a norm that threatens to gain even more momentum as time passes.
However, there are several pitfalls of the online study pattern that have come to the forefront, some of which are dangerous. Several kids in some residential societies at Sarthana in Surat are found to have taken to stealing from their own homes in order to buy expensive video games. These kids in the age group of 8-12, steal from their parents for the purpose of downloading the videogames and their more recent features. In one case, Rs. 2.25 lacs was stolen by a 14-year-old boy from his father’s account little by little. He used to delete the SMS informing the debit.
Ironically, parents are compelled to leave the children with the mobile and internet while they themselves do not understand the medium properly. At times, the sellers of video games at the local video parlours are instigating the vulnerable kids to buy the latest features and videogames.
Experts are of the opinion that to stop the children away from such harmful behaviour, substantial efforts would be required by families and society. Parents shall have to update themselves with the new technology. By installing parenting links and checking the browsing history as well as monitoring the contacts in WhatsApp, telegram, etc social media accounts, the parents can take care of their children.