The new cabinet under Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel took oath on September 16, Thursday. Seven of the ministers took charge of their ministries and departments on September 18, Saturday. The ministers performed pooja and got idols of Ganesha, Nilkanth Varni and also Bhagwad Gita to their new offices before taking over their duty.
Gujarat’s new education minister Jitu Vaghani took blessings from outgoing education minister Bhupendra Sinh Chudasma, who gifted him a Ganesha idol and a pen. Whereas, Minister of State of Home Affairs, Harsh Sanghavi took blessings of outgoing MoS of Home Affairs, Pradipsinh Jadeja and worshipped Bharat Mata before taking over his charge.
Since early morning today, seven ministers reached Swarnim Sankul at Gandhinagar in order to take their new positions. Education minister – Jitu Vaghani, labour and employment minister – Brijesh Merja along with agriculture minister Raghavji Patel were among the first ones who reached Swarnim Sankul. Also, women and child development minister (I/C) and minister of social justice and empowerment, Manish Vakil reached their offices. The ministers reached their office with their family members.
With the formation of the new cabinet, the power centers at Swarnim Sankul are also changed. The General Administration Department has issued a formal order to allot the vacated chambers to the new ministers. The chamber of former Deputy CM Nitin Patel has been allotted to new law minister, Rajendra Trivedi, his staff’s chamber has been allotted to the education minister, Jitu Vaghani and new agriculture minister, Raghavji Patel has been allotted the chamber of Bhupendra Sinh Chudasma.