Two students from Gujarat have scored 705 out of 720 in the latest NEET (UG) 2021 tests held on September 12 and made it to the Top 100 All India Rankings (AIR).
Shlok Soni has landed AIR-60 and Prasham Shah has bagged AIR-100. Prasahm rued that his dream of applying for AIIMS-Delhi would not be fulfilled even with his ranking.
He started coaching classes for the NEET exam preparation and was tense when the exams were postponed due to Covid-19.
While preparing for the tests, he did not shun mobile phones and computers entirely, but used only in a limited way.
Around 70,000 Gujaratis applied to the NEET examinations this year.
Candidates who successfully completed NEET are eligible to complete MBBS, BDS, BAMS, and other undergraduate medical and dental courses.
NEET (UG) 2021 was performed in 13 languages, including English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Malayalam, Kannada, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.