The two-day monsoon session of the Gujarat legislative assembly is set to begin on Monday, September 27. The opposition is all set with their agenda to question government in the House. Earlier, Congress has already accused the new cabinet of being inexperienced and now it is set to surround the government on issues including the chaos created during the COVID-19 second wave, farmers’ protest and inflation. Also, the opposition has said before that the government gives only Rs 50,000 compensation instead of Rs 4 lakh to the kin of who have died due to COVID-19.
Today, on the first day of the monsoon session, the Speaker of the Gujarat Legislative Assembly will be elected. Dr. Neema Acharya, MLA from Kutch constituency will be unanimously appointed as the Speaker, making her Gujarat assembly’s first female speaker. Followed by this, 19 former MLAs of the House who have passed away in the last 6 months will be remembered.
Elections for the post of Deputy Speaker will be held between BJP’s Jetha Bharwad and Congress’ Dr Anil Joshiara.
Four new bills – Gujarat Private University Amendment Bill, Gujarat Goods and Services Tax Amendment Bill, Indian Partnership (Gujarat Amendment) Bill and Kaushalya – The Skill University Bill will be tabled by the state government during the two-day long monsoon session.