The humble mobile repair shop owner in Punjab who convincingly defeated the sitting Chief Minister in the recently held electoral battle on the Bhadaur seat in Punjab, Labh Singh Ugoke had an occasion to walk down memory lane on a pleasant note.
The 35-year-old Giant Killer AAP MLA on reserved SC seat Bhadur was invited to cut the ribbon in a ceremony in the Government school where he himself studied. Not only that, the real charm of the story is that his mother Baldev Kaur is still working as a sweeper-cleaner in the school on a contractual assignment.
Labh Singh Ugoke, who formally visited the school after 22 years fo the occasion, met his mother in the school premises after the ceremony was over and allowed photographers to be snapped together. Labh Singh acknowledged that his mother’s meagre salary had been the source of livelihood when they were young and that he respects the nature of the job she is carrying out.
Baldev Kaur on her side said that she has no qualms in continuing her job despite her son becoming MLA. She also said that the Government should look into the plight of contractual workers who are working since a long period of time as contractual workers have to depend on the Parent Teacher Association for their salary. She said that for most of the people in her position making both ends meet becomes a real challenge. She said that wherever the rules allow, Government should look into the matter to regularise the contract workers who work since long period of time.