On Friday, the Border Security Force (BSF) opened fire in an attempt to chase down a Pakistani fisherman in the Horizontal channel of Harami Nalla in the Kutch district of Gujarat. The fisherman who was trying to escape had crossed over into Indian territory. After firing three rounds, the search party apprehended the fisherman and caught five more Pakistani boats.
This incident was part of the intensive search operation, which began on Thursday, and continued the whole night.
The fisherman caught today was part of the same team of fishermen that were captured yesterday. He must’ve hidden in the marshes, stated a senior official.
On Thursday, May 26, BSF Gujarat apprehended two Pakistani fishermen and seized four Pakistani boats from the Harami Nala area in Kutch. As such, the BSF has so far apprehended 3 Pakistani fishermen and 9 boats in total until now.
However, nothing suspicious was recovered from the boats except for fish, fishing nets and fishing equipment.
Nevertheless, an intensive search of the area is still going on.
Pakistani fishermen intruding into Indian waters rarely face fire from the BSF in Gujarat. BSF patrols tend to scare away intruding Pakistani fishermen, according to officials. Back in September 2017, a BSF patrol party was forced to open fire due to movement in the disputed Sir Creek Area at 2 am. A total of five rounds were fired to prevent the intruding fishermen from fleeing back into Pakistani territory.