The Education Minister of Gujarat and BJP spokesperson, Jitu Vaghani, informed the media about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to poll-bound Gujarat. In his next two-day visit, PM Modi will inaugurate several projects, including the Sabar dairy plant in Himmatnagar of North Gujarat and the cheese plant under the powder plant worth ₹600 crores.
As per Jitubhai Vaghani, PM Modi will also visit Gandhinagar GIFT City to inaugurate the India International Bullion Exchange. At the event, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman, and Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel will also be present.
According to Vaghani, during the cabinet meeting, the state ministers congratulated President Droupadi Murmu in 53 talukas with enthusiasm from the tribal community.
Van Mahotsav
Jitu Vaghani also discussed the inauguration of Van Mahotsav at Dholi Dhaja Dam in Surendranagar on August 12. Their target is to plant 10.35 crore trees in Gujarat. The in-charge ministers will plant the trees in their particular districts. The Forest Department of Gujarat officials confirmed that they are making active efforts for the annual Van Mahotsav.
Vaccination Drive
Moreover, CM Patel will launch a district-level vaccination drive on the coming weekend. According to the BJP spokesperson, the government has ensured arrangements for front-line workers and set a target of 3.5 crore doses.
Megh Malhar Festival
Vaghani said, “The traditional monsoon festival of Gujarat, Megh Malhar festival, is going to be held at Dang, Saputara on July 30 starting 9 AM.”
Further, Education Minister Jitubhai Vaghani clarified that the government will take strict actions based on the awaited report from the special investigation team.
Read More: PM Modi To Visit GIFT City To Launch India International Bullion Exchange