Shrut-Tirth influencer, Rashtrasant, Pujayapad Acharya Pravar Shri Padmasagar Surishwarji Maharaj, said that the sangh has begun construction of new Jinalaya, which will be a centre for all sects of Jain community. Preliminary ceremonies like Bhumi Pujan and laying of the foundation stone have already been completed. This is a project taken up by the Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington (JSMW).
The new multi-facility centre in Washington will be constructed over 30,000 square feet and will be located just 30 kilometres away from the White House. The new centre will have religious, educational, social complexes, including classrooms, libraries, multipurpose halls and also temples.
The centre will have both Shwetambar and Digambar temples which will cover 6,000 square feet of area. The Shwetambar temple is being constructed in 2200 square feet area, which will have a capacity of approximately 450 people.
The three peaks of Derasar, floor, walls and ceiling will be made of Makrana Marble. The garbha griha or the sanctum sanctorum of the derasar will house idols with five tirthankara paramatmas, and in the pavilion there will be idols of four gods and other deities.
JSMW was founded in 1980, and the current Jain temple was inaugurated in 1989 with 175 families. The Sangh bought a house in 1989 and converted it into a small Jain center along with Derasar. Over the past three decades, the centre has grown into a strong sangh for the Jain community in America with over 650 families.