The number of new coronavirus cases in India jumped by 3,016 in a single day, reaching its highest rate in over six months, while the number of active cases rose to 13,509, according to data updated on Thursday by the Union Health ministry.
On October 2 of last year, there were a total of 3,375 cases. With 14 most recent fatalities—three reported by Maharashtra, two by Delhi, one by Himachal Pradesh in a single day, and eight reconciled by Kerala—the country’s Covid-19 death toll has risen to 530,862.
The daily positivity was at 2.73 per cent, and the weekly positivity was at 1.71 per cent, according to ministry figures updated at 8 am. The infection rate is at 4.47 crore (44,712,692).
According to the health ministry website, the national Covid-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 98.78%, and active cases currently make up 0.03 per cent of all infections.
At 44,168,321, the total number of individuals who have recovered from the disease has increased, while the case fatality rate has been noted at 1.19 per cent.
On the nation as a whole, 220.65 crore doses of the Covid vaccine have been administered under the Covid-19 nationwide vaccination campaign, according to the ministry’s website.
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