Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who is on a day-long visit to Gujarat on Saturday, visited the National Academy of Coastal Policing (NACP) in Okha town of Dwarka district. He was accompanied by IAS officer and Union Home secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla. Also in attendance were DG (BSF), Pankaj Kumar Singh, IG (BSF Gujarat Frontier), Gyanendra Singh Malik.
The Home Minister reiterated that the establishment of NACP in 2018 was to “prepare a skilled and modern police force to protect the coastal borders.” He credited the Academy to Prime Minister Modi’s “visionary leadership.” He expressed gratitude to the jawans for maintaining the sanctity of the borders, guided by the motto “duty to life” (जीवन पर्यंत कर्तव्य)
Shah also commended BSF Gujarat Frontier and the National Academy of Coastal Policing for putting their best foot forward, never mind the “adverse weather conditions and challenges of terrain.” He thanked all senior officers for their tireless mission in augmenting coastal security surveillance.
In his address, the Home Minister expressed confidence that the Academy will continue to provide intensive and high-level training to Marine Police aspirants across the country. “Under the able guidance of PM Modi, measures are being made to strengthen coastal security using new technologies. Also afoot are assessments to map maritime threats from any side,” his speech added
While briefing the minister, IG Gyanendra Singh informed that so far, 427 police personnel have been trained through seven courses that the Academy has undergone. These servicemen include marine police from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Daman & Diu, Andaman