Gujarat’s literature and environment lovers are angry with Gujarati Sahitya Parishad’s (Gujarati Literary Council) General Secretary who ordered moving down the green cover of the Council premises. The premises at the riverfront had a matchless green cover in the city but the General Secretary’s order to cut down trees on public holiday has raised many questions.
The trees moved down on his were as old as the prestigious 100 year old literary council which was once chaired by Mahatma Gandhi.
The event to pay homage to the trees- ‘Vrukshanjali’ was organized in the premises of the Council. A large number of Gujarat’s literature and environment lovers of the city gathered at Gujarat Sahitya Parishad to pay homage to the trees which are more than 100 hundred years old. Besides environment lovers of the city, prominent among those present were Gujarat Sahitya Parishad’s Vice President Praful bhai Raval, Treasurer Rajendra bhai Upadhyay, Poet Bhavesh Bhatt, representatives from the Ahmedabad Education Group, Federation of Academic Association, Let’s Help Foundation and Akhil Bhartiya Manav Adhikar.