In the grand finale of Gujarat Kids Fashion Week (GKFW) 2023 and United India Kids Season 3, hosted by the Institute of Design and Technology (IDT), a city-based renowned fashion design institution, and Abeera Events under the theme “Welcome G-20” at Agra Exotica on Dumas Road in Surat. However, approximately 150 child models participated in the event.
Siya Patel and Nilansh Desai were declared winners in the A-Category, Tara Gareja and Dhruv Solanki in the B-Category, and Vinan Damani and Vanshi Joshi in the C-Category.
United India Kids Show, based in Surat, creates child models for the Indian film and modelling industries. The event was organised by Karan and Pawani Patel, as well as Anupam and Ankita Goyal, owners of GKFW.
GKFW 2023 featured a collection based on the theme of commercial creativity. IDT students reimagined the world-famous “Disney” theme costumes in a beautiful and innovative way. The Disney theme is well-known, and it can be seen in the form of princesses, castles, and breathtaking scenery. The Disney-inspired collection included a wide range of fabrics, surface embellishments, and adorable props.
This year’s event was unique for IDT because it was designed to welcome the G20 to Surat and India by focusing on social awareness. This theme was inspired by the fact that the G-20 summit will be held in India this year, with representatives from more than 20 countries expected to attend under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership. Guests at the event will receive gifts made from ‘Sadeli Art,’ India’s traditional art form, which has been preserved by Surat-based artist Mr. Rakesh Petigara.
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