The Gujarat Transport Department has issued a 15-day ultimatum to Uber, a prominent transport and cab company, demanding that the business cease using private two-wheelers with white number plates as bike taxis. The department has warned that failure to comply will result in the cancellation of Uber’s license.
This directive comes after an investigation revealed that Uber was operating non-aggregator vehicles for its bike taxi services, which is in violation of the Motor Vehicle Aggregator Guidelines 2020.
According to these guidelines, private vehicles with white number plates are not permitted to operate as taxis.
The investigation was prompted by complaints from auto-rickshaw associations, which led to a thorough inspection. Despite receiving multiple notices, Uber allegedly did not take corrective action or provide an adequate explanation for its operations. As a result, the Transport Department has now issued a final warning to the company to ensure full compliance with the guidelines.
Earlier, a similar case against Rapido, a competitor in the bike taxi market, where the Regional Transport Office (RTO) found that the company was offering taxi services while being registered solely for rickshaw services. As a consequence, Rapido’s license was suspended for a month.
The Transport Department’s current move against Uber is expected to have significant implications for the company’s operations in the region if it fails to address the issue within the given timeframe.
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