The state on Friday recorded 45 new cases, taking the active cases tally to 318. Ahmedabad city was the highest contributor, with 15 cases being recorded here. The second and third highest contributors were Surat and Vadodara, with six and five cases respectively. No casualties were recorded.
The state on Thursday had recorded 50 cases, a high after a fortnight, and one death on Thursday. On Wednesday, the state had reported 45 cases and the death of a fully-vaccinated 61-year-old woman in Anand. Ahmedabad city had reported 11 cases on Wednesday.
Amid the concerns over the Omicron variant, which has made its entry in India, the state government has made stricter rules for those arriving from abroad at the airport.
The Ahmedabad Airport Authorities said the international travellers from ‘at-risk countries will be tested and have to self-quarantine for seven days and be tested again by the district surveillance teams on the eighth day following which they will again have to self-quarantine for seven more days if negative.