With a notch lower than the the previous day, Gujarat on Saturday registered a total of 580 fresh Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours. Ahmedabad once again was the top city to report highest number of daily Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours on Saturday.
Ahmedabad on Saturday registered 236 fresh Covid-19 in last 24 hours. The city was followed by Surat with 106 new Covid-19 cases, Vadodara with 36 and Mehsana with 29 fresh cases on Saturday.
According to the statement released by the Department of Health and Family Welfare of Gujarat, the state on Saturday witnessed a recovery of as many as 391 Covid-19 patients with no deaths due to Covid. The active caseload in the state reached to 3’478 on Saturday, the statement further stated.
The statement by the Health department further read that around 39,438 people in Gujarat got their Covid-19 vaccination completed. With this, the total vaccinated population in the state reached 11.15 crores on Saturday.