After six Pakistani citizens were issued voter IDs and ten got Adhaar Cards in the Mehsana district, the Gujarat Police ordered an inquiry. The Superintendent of Police (SP) Achal Tyagi issued the order.
“Through an application, Mehsana A
division police station has also been informed. “During the primary inquiry, if any Pakistani citizen is found to have filed fake documents and obtained the card or any lethargy at the hands of a government officer is found, then a criminal complaint will be lodged and will be prosecuted as per law,” said Special Operation Group Inspector Bhavesh Rathod.
According to the officer, these Pakistani families had been residing in the Kukas village of the Mehsana district. And for the last seven years, on long-term tourist visas. They later submitted citizenship petitions, which are still in process with the home department. However, they received the voter registration and Adhaar cards before the applications could be processed.
During the preliminary inquiry, the police got informed by the executive magistrate’s office about the families following every government procedure while issuing voter cards. Paperwork such as submitting form -6, through which one can are declared an Indian citizen, stated Rathod.
He added that the subject of investing is now the people who helped them file form-6. Plus prepared an affidavit stating they are citizens of India.
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