Dhiren Solanki, who belongs to Gujarat, has set up a donkey farm with 42 donkeys at his village in Patan district. He is earning Rs 2-3 lakh a month by supplying donkey milk to clients in southern states.
Donkey milk is selling at 70 times the price of milk produced by cows and buffaloes. Availability is limited leading to high prices. The price per litre of donkey milk sold online by Solanki is Rs 5,000.
Solanki came to know about donkey rearing in south India and decided to try his luck at this venture. He started with 20 donkeys at an investment of Rs 22 lakh around eight months ago. There was no demand for donkey milk in Gujarat so he contacted companies in south India.
He supplies to Karnataka and Kerala. Among his clients are cosmetic companies that use donkey milk in their products. Solanki now has 42 donkeys on his farm.
Health benefits
There are accounts of the use of donkey’s milk in ancient times. Egyptian queen Cleopatra, known for her beauty, would apparently bathe in donkey’s milk. Greek physician Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed donkey’s milk for liver problems, nosebleeds, poisonings, infectious diseases and fevers.
The composition of donkey’s milk is more similar to human milk compared to cow milk and makes it a great choice for infants, especially those who are allergic to cow milk.
Donkey milk regulates intestinal microflora leading to better gut health. Studies have shown that it boosts immunity and has anti-diabetic properties. Donkey milk also has a higher shelf life as it doesn’t contain pathogens found in other milks.
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