The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) marked its 47th Raising Day on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 with a ceremony attended by dignitaries from the center, state, and armed forces, including Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat. The ICG, which now has 150 ships and 70 aircraft, was established in 1978 with just seven ships. In 2009, the regional headquarters was established in Gandhinagar to protect the maritime boundaries of Gujarat.
Inspector General AK Harbola, Commander of Coast Guard Region (North West) and Regional President Tatrakshika, Kavita Harbola, welcomed the guests on behalf of the ICG. Typically, 20 to 25 ships and two aircraft are deployed each day to prevent loss of life or property in the Arabian Sea.
The efforts made by the ICG were praised by Governor Devvrat, who cited their success in apprehending 236 kg of drugs worth Rs 1,380 crore, seven foreign vessels, and 38 foreign nationals, as well as saving 69 lives at sea in 2022 off the Gujarat coast.
The ICG, with its regional headquarters in Gandhinagar, continues to maintain vigilance and ensure the safety of the maritime borders of Gujarat.
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