Gujarat’s GST collection was at an all-time high at Rs 9,569 crore in November. The State’s GST collection is the second highest in India. The collection isin Nov grew by 26% in comparison to the collection in Nov, 2020. Maharashtra stands first at Rs 18, 656 Crore. Karnataka with Rs 9,048 crore collection lags behind Gujarat in the overall tax collection.
Festive season’s Diwali shopping is one reason behind the surge in GST collection in Gujarat. There was a massive boost in consumption.
All industries are working at full capacity and the industrial output was good. The steel hike in raw material prices also contributed to the increased tax realization on items.
The gross GST revenue collected in November across the country was Ps 1.31 lakh crore. The Centre released Ps 17,000 crore to the states/UTs towards GST compensation on November 3. Gujarat is yet to receive compensation of Ps 3,145 crore.