The most recent drug haul worth Rs 21,000 crore from the Mundra port, Gujarat has led Gujarat Government to review the state’s coastal security and take steps to prevent any such incident. Gujarat’s Minister of State for Home Affairs, Harsh Sanghvi, held a meeting with senior IPS officers and discussed issues related to coastal security.
The government, said sources, has identified certain short-term and long-term steps required to enhance the security of the state’s coast. Harsh Sanghvi, in the meeting, said that “Our police are very vigilant through which we could seize such a huge quantity of drugs recently. Still, we want to further strengthen our coastal security. The Chief Minister has directed the officials to immediately address issues like manpower allocation, training, providing new boats with modern security systems and other infrastructure to enhance coastal security.”
Coastal security is a major concern for Gujarat as in the past. During the Mumbai terror attack, the terrorists entered the country through the coast of the state.