Gujarat was in turmoil during the second wave of Corona with the highest shortage of Remedesivir injections, prompting the Gujarat government to issue tenders for 1 lakh 45 thousand Ramdasivir injections. There are cases that Gujarat is now moving towards the third wave of Corona. Corona erupted in the state yesterday. In 24 hours, 394 new cases have been reported.
Tender issued for purchase of 100 mg vial
Under the instruction and guidance of Central Health Department, various preparations have been started by the state health department, in which Gujarat Medical Service Corporation Limited has issued tender for purchase of 1.45 lakh vial of 100 mg. In view of this, preparations have started for a possible third wave in the coming days.
In the second wave, black market and counterfeit remedivir were sold
Gujarat State Medical Services Corporation issues tenders for purchase of various medicines. During the second wave, there was a shortage of remedivis injection. As a result, counterfeit injections were sold and black marketed in some places. Not only that, many patients died due to lack of these injections.
The tender will have to be submitted physically by 12 noon on Jan 4
. As a result, preparations have already been made by the state government to combat the possible third wave and prevent any disruption in treatment due to remedivir. The last date for accepting tenders for Remedivivir Injection is 3rd January 2022 and online technical bids will be held at 1pm only after the tender has been physically submitted till 4pm on 4th January.
So far 78 cases of Omicron have come up in the state against 5 cases of Omicron in the state on 28th December, out of which 2 cases were reported in Ahmedabad city. One of them has a foreign travel history, while Vadodara city, Mehsana and Porbandar have no travel history in the 1-1 case. A total of 78 cases of Omicron have been reported in Gujarat so far, out of which 54 are currently undergoing treatment, while 24 have been discharged. So far no deaths have been reported due to Omicron.