Sixteen of the Gujarat Administrative Cadre officers got promoted as an IAS. They were promoted against the vacancies arising between 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2020. After the President’s nod, they were allocated Gujarat Cadre under Rule 5(1) of the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954.
Select List 2020 (Against Vacancies arising between 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2020)
No. | Name | Date of Birth |
1. | J.P.Devangan | 16/03/1964 |
2. | S.D.Dhanani | 10/11/1967 |
3. | D.M. Solanki | 17/06/1965 |
4. | P.N. Makwana | 18/06/1964 |
5. | A.J. Asari | 02/09/1964 |
6. | B.K.Vasava | 01/06/1965 |
7. | K.S Vasava | 01/06/1966 |
8. | C.B.Balat | 01/06/1966 |
9. | B.B.Vasava | 26/09/1964 |
10. | R.R.Damor | 05/08/1968 |
11. | S.P.Bhagora | 03/03/1965 |
12. | L.M.Dindod | 24/01/1965 |
13. | B.D.Ninama | 01/06/1965 |
14. | N.V. Upadhyay | 28/04/1967 |
15. | A.R. Shah | 22/04/1965 |
16. | P.B.Pandya | 10/05/1969 |