Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a three-day visit to Gujarat from Sunday. PM Modi will visit the temple of Modheshwari Mataji, the historic town of Modhera on October 9. Ahead of the assembly elections, programmes are being organised in the state for the completion of development works and public meetings. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a two-day visit to Gujarat from Sunday, October 9, after last week’s visit in Surat, Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar.
This time he will start his journey with the inauguration of various works including the solar project at Modhera in Mehsana district. After addressing the public near Bahucharaji on Sunday, he will hold a meeting and lay the foundation stone of the bulk drugs park at Jambusar in Bharuch district on Monday, October 10. He will then hold a meeting in Jamnagar and lay the foundation stone of development works. His program is also organised in Rajkot on Tuesday, October 11. During these three days, Prime Minister Modi is expected to stay overnight at Raj Bhavan in Gandhinagar on Sunday night and at Jamnagar or Rajkot on Monday night.
The PMO’s clearance regarding the above three-day visit of the Prime Minister to Gujarat has not been received. But the state government has started preparations for the programme at all the above mentioned places. Meanwhile, the state government has also decided to organise the 13th edition of Garib Kalyan Mela across the state on October 14 and 15. Gujarat government spokesperson and senior minister Jitu Vaghani said that two state-level functions on this will be held in Tapi and Gir Somnath districts on October 14 and 15 respectively.
Earlier, During his Visit to Surat he addressed a gathering in the Limbayat area of the city after launching various projects worth Rs 3,400 crore, including the inauguration of the main entrance gate and phase-1 works of Diamond Research and Mercantile (DREAM) City. And then he visited Bhavnagar to launch projects worth about Rs 6,000 crore, including the stone laying of world’s first CNG terminal and a brownfield port in Bhavnagar, a state government release said.
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