Ganpat University in Mehsana district conducted the 15th Graduation Ceremony today in the presence of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. He was accompanied by Union Minister Parshottam Khodabhai Rupala and Health Minister Rushikesh Patel.
During the graduation ceremony, a total of 3792 students were conferred with degrees. A total of 78 students were awarded gold, 20 students were awarded research, 1022 postgraduate, 59 pg diploma, 1630 undergraduate and 1061 diploma students were conferred degrees by the Chief Minister.
Addressing the people present in the ceremony, the Chief Minister said, “students must excel in their careers but also keep in mind the national interests of the country and state regarding the welfare and upliftment of the people at the bottom of the society.”
CM Patel recalled Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mantra of building the nation by the power of knowledge and called upon the youth to fulfil the dream.
Later, Union Minister Parshottam Rupala congratulated the students and said that Ganpat University has set an excellent example of the results of what devotion, penance and foresight can provide to a person. He further said that Ganpat University is another complex in Gujarat where Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s dream has come true.