The Gujarat Cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, has approved the creation of a new district named Vav-Tharad. This decision, made during a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, will see the new district carved out of the existing Banaskantha district. Once established, Vav-Tharad will become the 34th district in the state.
The new district’s headquarters will be located in Tharad, while Banaskantha will continue to have Palanpur as its administrative centre. The government stated, “The district will be divided into two—Vav-Tharad and Banaskantha. To ensure administrative, geographic, and economic convenience, Palanpur will remain the headquarters of Banaskantha district, and Tharad will serve as the headquarters of the new Vav-Tharad district.”
This decision is aimed at addressing administrative and geographic challenges while ensuring efficient delivery of government services to the public.
Gujarat Gets New Municipalities As Well
In addition to the creation of the new district, the Cabinet approved the formation of nine new municipalities. This move aligns with the state budget for 2024-25, where the government pledged to upgrade Navsari, Vapi, Anand, Nadiad, Mehsana, Surendranagar/Wadhwan, Morbi, Porbandar/Chhaya, and Gandhidham into Municipal Corporations.
Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel emphasised the swift execution of these plans under the policy of ‘Je Kahevu Te Karvu’ (Delivering on Commitments), championed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Patel remarked, “In the Growth Engine Gujarat, there are currently eight Municipal Corporations—Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, Jamnagar, and Gandhinagar. Junagadh Municipal Corporation was established in 2002, and Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation came into existence in 2010.”
He further noted that the state is preparing to double the number of Municipal Corporations, adding, “After almost 14 years, the state is set to form nine new Municipal Corporations, taking the total to 17.”
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