CR Paatil, the Gujarat BJP President, applauded many policies and campaign strategies initiated by the BJP government during an event on Saturday. He began by lauding the one-of-a-kind and first in the country, One Day, One District programme. He also appreciated PM Modi for his efforts toward Gujarat’s development.
BJP has completed the One Day, One District Programme in seven towns. The events entail rallies and discussions with activists and leaders of the party within 24 hours.
The Gujarat BJP President also mentioned the Sadastya Abhiyaan, the membership drive that started on June 15. The campaign began with the theme song launch in Ahmedabad, Surat, Bharuch, and Kheda. However, CR Paatil’s achievements were the highlight of the Gujarat BJP Executive Meeting.
841 Programs, 33 Districts And 8 Cities
In his tenure, CR Paatil alleged to have 841 programs in 33 districts and eight cities. According to the reports, BJP witnessed the filing of 67 pages under the Gujarat Page Committee program. He was the in-charge of 182 seats in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly. He also showed tremendous activism on the organizational front and ensured a three-day trip to every constituency.
Moreover, he contacted office bearers in several power centres. MPs and legislators insisted that the received grant must go into Gujarat’s regional development. Under his care, the party contacted five million families for their database application. He also gathered citizen opinions to keep a check on local leaders.
Further, under CR Paatil, the BJP members worked extensively toward the farmers’ community. In the light of various Morchas, the Gujarat BJP President interacted with three and a half lakh people, including the Kisaan Samman program at 31 places.
In addition, the BJP organized the NaMo Kisan Panchayat program in 114 constituencies. According to CR Paatil, around 5k women owners of small businesses registered under the GEM workshop, and the count will become 10k by July 30.
However, Narendra Modi’s hologram model became the attraction of the Gujarat BJP Executive Meeting held at the Surata Chamber of Commerce.
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