With assembly elections around the corner, the ruling BJP has started a three-pronged survey. Senior leaders of the party, a professional private agency and Intelligence Bureau (IB) sleuths have been roped in for the surveys, to be completed in four weeks’ time. The survey will be conducted in all the five zones of Gujarat namely, North Gujarat, South Gujarat, Central Gujarat, Saurashtra-Kutch and Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar.
The BJP’s focus in the survey is not on the Congress, but on the new entrant in the state—AAP—which it considers the principal opposition, a spot earlier occupied by the Congress. The ruling party is certain that Congress will be the second runner-up in the upcoming election. Internal assessment of the BJP reveals that Congress is unable to find winnable candidates in 70 urban seats.
The state IB has been tasked with gauging the mood of the youth, government employees, women, traders and small businessmen through a specific questionnaire regarding the performance of the incumbent elected representatives of the BJP. A similar kind of questionnaire has been handed out to some of the party leaders and a few NGOs.
The survey seeks to determine the public mood on the central and state welfare schemes, the issue of unemployment and price rise, and the assessment of the present BJP government. It will also aim to reveal positive and negative images and the public connect of the MLAs.Till the 2017 elections, Gujarat had seen a direct electoral fight between the BJP and the Congress. Now with a very aggressive AAP in the running, it is a three-way contest.
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