Gujarat has been successful in gaining the first spot on the logistics index chart amongst 21 other states followed by Haryana, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra slot, according to a Commerce Ministry report released on Monday. This new achievement will serve as an indicator of the efficiency of the logistical service which is necessary for the growth of exports and the economy. Jammu and Kashmir topped the chart among the northeastern states and Himalayan union territories, Delhi got the top position among Union Territories.
The LEADS (Logistics Ease Across Different States) 2021 report, released by the Commerce and Industry Ministry Piyush Goyal on Monday, would help in identifying the problem areas in the sector and prepare policy responses to deal with them.
The first logistics report was released in 2018. No ranking was released last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic
This index aims to shift the focus completely on improving logistics performance across states which are extremely essential for improving the country’s trade and reducing transactions cost.