A 13 years old boy from Rajkot, Gujarat reportedly killed his father over his drinking habit on Monday. It is said that his maternal uncle also helped him in murdering his father. The incident happened in Moviya village in Gondal Taluka of the village. Talking to the police, the boy informed that his father used to get hostile after drinking and beat him and other family members.
The deceased has been identified as Sursingh Rathwa (51). He had gotten drunk and fell on streets. After knowing about it, his son and his maternal uncle Shankar Kikeriya went to pick him up. Later they got to know that Rathwa had spent all the money meant for Diwali purchases on alcohol. Following which, the accused got angry.
On the way home, the son and his uncle beat Rathwa with to death with a heavy stone and left him on the road. The villagers found his body and informed the family members. They also took him to the hospital where he was declared dead by the doctors and the police was informed.
As the police grew suspicious of the boy, they took him in for questioning where he broke down and confessed to the crime. For now, the police has detained the son and arrested Kikeriya. A detailed investigation has been launched into the matter.