Gujarat government, in the affidavit submitted to the Gujarat High Court has confessed that 11,451 schools in the state do not have fire NOC. The response is filed in relation to the earlier order of the High Court regarding the status of fire safety in the schools in Gujarat and the statistical information about fire safety. The Gujarat High Court order came after the horrific fire tragedy in a game zone in Gujarat where 27 people in June 2024.
The government replied that a total of 55,344 schools were inspected. It was found that only 9,563 schools had complied with the fire safety norms. 43,893 schools have provided self-declaration. While 1,117 schools have applied for fire NOC, 771 schools are in the process of purchasing fire safety equipment.
As per the Fire Safety Act and Rules, obtaining Fire NOC is mandatory for any school housed in a building having more than nine metres high. There has to be a fire evacuation plan ready at the schools.
The authorities have instructed the inspected schools to arrange for a 10,000 litre water tank, 4.5 kg to 6 kg fire extinguishers on every floor, and sand-filled buckets.
Governmentinstructions include prohibition of storing inflammable material, using a higher electrical load, and arranging functions attracting huge crowds. All schools are required to organise regular mock-drill and checking.