Gujarat government has reviewed the situation in the state in regards to the current heavy rainfall, spokesperson and senior minister Jitu Vaghani told the media today. He said that following several discussions, the government has taken important decisions in the matter. Accordingly, the local authorities and collectors have been instructed and given guidelines on how to tackle the situation.
Further addressing the press conference, Vaghani announced that as part of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, the government will offer a precautionary dose of Covid vaccine free of charge. The citizens aged between 18 and 59 can get this dose from July 15. The centres will stay open for the next 75 days, during an estimated 3.50 crore citizens will get the precautionary dose.
Jitu Vaghani also talked about the Sixth National Conclave of the Department of Mines and Minerals, which was held in New Delhi this week. He said that Gujarat was the winner of the ‘National Mineral Development Award’ in e-auction of minor minerals under category-3 across the country. For this achievement, Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah presented a reward of Rs3 Crores, which was accepted by State Industries Minister Jagdish Vishwakarma on behalf of the state.
According to data, Gujarat has successfully completed public auctions for 975 blocks of a total of 1533 blocks of minor minerals during this year. From these auctions, the state government is likely to generate a revenue of more than Rs2,104 crores.