Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has been working to promote researchers and incubators for a long time.
Presently, blood sugar, blood pressure or pregnancy can be diagnosed at home with the help of advanced technology. Similarly, Dhruv Patel, founder of the incubator from GTU-run Design Innovation Center (DIC), has developed a device to diagnose breast cancer so that women in rural areas can easily diagnose breast cancer at home without any hesitation.
In this regard, GTU Chancellor Prof. Dr. Naveen Seth said that according to the WHO report, the number of breast cancer cases in the world is increasing more than other cancers. With the use of this device, the mortality rate due to breast cancer can be controlled to some extent.
Dhruv Patel, founder of GTU DIC Incubators and Dithris Healthcare Technology, said that more than 7 lakh cases of breast cancer have been reported in India in the year 2020. Which is expected to exceed 8 lakh by 2025. Awareness of breast cancer is low compared to other cancers. Due to which it is reported after the second stage, there is a risk of life. If diagnosed early, mortality can be significantly reduced.
The device, built using Red light technology, scans the breast 360 degrees and reports data on tumors or other problems in the mobile application, including photographs. The technology used today is not easily used to diagnose the disease. While every woman in the family will be able to diagnose breast cancer related problem at any time through the device made by DIC incubators using red light technology.
The device is currently undergoing clinical trials. The process will be completed soon and the device will be launched in the market in January 2022.