BJP leader Narendra Modi took oath as the Prime Minister of India for the third consecutive time this evening. Along with Modi, his council of ministers also took the oath of office. Five members of parliament from Gujarat were among the 72 MPs who took oath as union ministers. Gandhinagar MP Amit Shah, Porbandar MP Mansukh Mandaviya, Navsari MP and Gujarat BJP chief C.R. Patil, and Rajya Sabha MP from the state, S. Jaishankar and J P Nadda, took oath as Cabinet Ministers, while Bhavnagar MP Nimuben Bhamania took oath as Minister of State.
MP-elect from Gandhinagar Lok Sabha seat, Amit Shah is a former BJP chief and incumbent Home Minister since 2019. Shah is also the first Minister of Cooperation since the ministry was established in 2021. Shah won the 2024 Lok Sabha election with a margin of 7.44 lakh votes.
Gujarat BJP chief C.R. Patil also became a minister for the first time. He has been elected as the MP of Navsari Lok Sabha seat for the fourth time. Patil holds the record for winning Lok Sabha polls with the highest margin in Gujarat. Under his leadership, the BJP won 156 out of 182 seats in the assembly election, the most won by any political party in Gujarat’s history.
Bhavnagar MP Nimuben Bhamania who comes from the Koli community, has become a member of Parliament for the first time after winning the Bhavnagar Lok Sabha seat. Bhamania has held the position of mayor of Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation and has served in various positions within the party.
The former Rajya Sabha MP and incumbent Health Minister, Mansukh Mandaviya, also took oath as Union Minister once again. He has won the Lok Sabha election from the Porbandar parliamentary constituency.
J P Nadda, the BJP president and Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat, took oath as a cabinet minister. Nadda had previously served as the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare in the first Modi cabinet from 2014 to 2019.
Sixth Union Minister from Gujarat will be Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, who is an elected Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat. S. Jaishankar, a former diplomat, has held the position of Minister of External Affairs since 2019.
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