Police in Vadodara received information about a fake ayurvedic syrup factory in the Durga Industrial estate near Sankarda Village near Vadodara which was packaging alcohol instead. Sold in the name of Kanakasav and Shwasav, the bottles contained alcohol in reality. The two “syrups” became quite popular amongst habituated.
Police obtained samples and sought reports from FSL which confirmed the content being alcohol. The factory was running without any signboard in Durga Industrial Estate. When police raided the place, the material and machinery worth Rs. one crore were found.
The labourers present at the factory revealed that the owners of the enterprise were Nitin Kotwani and Bhagat Bishnoi. Incidentally police had arrested Nitin Kotwani during the first wave of Corona for producing fabricated sanitisers. Bhagat Bishnoi liquor trader from Rajasthan.