Electric motorcycle manufacturer TORK Motors inaugurated its first showroom in Ahmedabad on Wednesday. Located in Navrangpura, the showroom will offer sales and after sales service for the KRATOS-R motorcycle, which carries an ex-showroom price-tag of Rs 1.96 lakh, after the state subsidies that go with electric vehicles. This is the Pune-based company’s third retail outlet in Gujarat, after Surat and Rajkot.
Speaking at the inauguration, Kapil Shelke, Founder & CEO, TORK Motors,said Gujarat has emerged as a major market for electric vehicles. “We have been opening dealerships wherever we get good partners and showroom space. We expect to open showrooms in Vadodara and Anand soon. We are in no hurry, but we do expect to open 50 more dealerships by Diwali.”
Launched in 2022, the KRATOS-R is a wholly ingenious motorcycle, developed by Kapil Shelke and his team of engineers. “We spent the whole of 2022 taking customer feedback. We launched it outside Pune in January 2023, when we were sure of its performance,” says Shelke.
Sales were brisk on the day of the inauguration, with several customers taking delivery of their new motorcycles, the first of whom was a young policeman in uniform. “We have sold ten motorcycles already,” says Satvik Nakra, owner of the Ahmedabad dealership. The bike is available in five colours and there is presently a 15-day waiting period for delivery.
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