In a momentous event held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi on Sunday, Narendra Modi was sworn in for an unprecedented third term as the Prime Minister of India. Alongside him, 72 ministers also took their oaths, marking the commencement of a new era in Indian politics.
The grand ceremony, illuminated by the beautiful lights of the Rashtrapati Bhavan, was attended by nearly 8,000 guests. The attendees included foreign dignitaries, industrialists, film stars and other notable figures, all gathered to witness this historic event.
However, amidst the solemnity of the occasion, an unexpected guest managed to steal the limelight. A short video clip from the ceremony has since gone viral, with eagle-eyed netizens spotting an animal casually strolling in the corridors of the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The incident occurred while BJP MP Durga Das was on stage, carrying out official procedures. The video shows an animal, speculated to be a leopard, nonchalantly walking around the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Social media platforms were soon abuzz with comments and speculations about the identity of the uninvited guest. “Was it a leopard? An ordinary cat? Or a dog?” queried several users, intrigued by the unexpected sight.
Concerns were also raised about the security measures in place. “If it’s a cat, it’s fine. If it’s a leopard, then what are the guards doing? This breach, that too in Rashtrapati Bhavan?” wrote one user, expressing their astonishment.
Another user commented, “Seems a damn leopard due to tail and gait. People were really lucky it peacefully passed,” highlighting the potential danger of the situation.
While the oath-taking ceremony marked a significant milestone in India’s political landscape, the unexpected guest provided an amusing and memorable twist to the event.